I am happy to announce that the Office Business Applications Reference Application Pack for Loan Origination Systems (OR-LOS)!
See the MSDN OR-LOS Page at: https://msdn.microsoft.com/Architecture/ORLOS
You can expect the following business functionality is demonstrated in the LOS Reference Architecture:
Automated Rate Creation
Loan Registration Process
Loan Decisioning Engine
Digital Signatures
Automated Approvals
Loan Pipeline Management
Automated Policies such as:
Document Retention
Information Lifecycles
The Technical Reference Architecture and Code
On the OR-LOS page on MSDN you will find a set of technical resources to guide the development of a new class of business applications called "Office Business Applications" (OBAs). These resources include an OBA reference architecture framework coupled with a consumer wholesale lending banking scenario.
Below are links to a series of whitepapers outlining details of the reference solution that illustrate both the end user experience as well as the development model.
As part of the RAP you will get:
Solution Install Files:
Demo websites and SharePoint site templates
Supporting documents (.doc, .xls) for reference scenarios
.NET Assemblies (workflows, utilities, activity libraries)
Web services (.asmx)
Reference data
XSLT files
BDC XML files
OR-LOS Whitepapers
You can find more architecture guidance at the MSDN Financial Services Architecture Center: