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  • Mike Walker

Architecture Modeling - IEEE 1471 has been adopted by ISO

ISO has published ISO/IEC 42010:2007, Systems and software engineering — Recommended practice for architectural description of software-intensive systems. The text of this ISO standard is identical to IEEE 1471:2000, and will serve as basis for the joint ISO and IEEE revision.

The joint revision has several goals:

  • to widen the scope of application from software-intensive systems to general systems architecture (including enterprise architecture);

  • to harmonize with the ISO systems engineering (ISO 15288) and software engineering (ISO 12207) life cycle processes; and

  • to align terms and concepts with other ISO architecture efforts, including RM-ODP (ISO 10746) and GERAM (ISO 15704).

As shown below there are many views to architectures. Many times architects want to create the one ultimate view. This is just unrealistic. The 1471 standard provides a taxonomy to represent these architecture views.

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