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Mike Walker

Come Join Me and Influence Enterprise Architecture Capabilities and Business Architecture

Updated: Apr 26, 2023

At the Open Group Conference in London I will be leading two very impactful work streams for the practice of Enterprise Architecture. The first is an Enterprise Architecture Capability Model. This model takes the concept of a capability and applies it to the outcomes you want to achieve from Enterprise Architecture. If done right, this will be a huge productivity gain for enterprise architects.

The second is another highly highly impactful area of Enterprise Architecture, Business Architecture. If your an Open Group member and have a passion for advancing Business Architecture please join the group of high caliber architects to advance this area of EA.

Below you find a more through overview and scheduling details for just the EA Capability session. To attend the Business Architecture work stream you must be a TOG member. If you want to talk to me personally at the conference or otherwise please leave a note in the comments.

Details for the Enterprise Architecture Capability Sessions

Attendees of the Open Group London conference are welcome to join the Open Group’s EA Best Practice Development Workshop on Wednesday Oct 23 9:30-12:30. In the workshop, we will explore best practice and benchmarking based assessment of enterprise architecture management and process maturity. Our purpose is to enable organizations to identify and execute improvements that deliver real business value.You might of seen some of my EA Capability work before, if not below are some links that might be helpful. Within the Open Group the view on the work will take a similar approach.

During the workshop an EA Capability Model, Assessment and Best Practice framework will be presented. As a participant you are expected to ask questions, make comments and influence the development of the framework. Your experience, expectations and requirements will through a series of round table discussion sessions.

In developing this best practice and benchmarking it is very important that the Architecture Forum understand the views of Open Group customer organizations that do Enterprise Architecture in-house, as well as experts in the field. This workshop has very limited space and requires a reservation. To attend you must be registered at the Open Group conference and have a workshop reservation. To obtain a reservation please contact Raina Wissing (

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