Did you know about the fourth annual Microsoft Architect Insight Conference will be taking place on the 8th May 2009 at Microsoft, London.
Check out all the details here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/architecture/dd135209.aspx
The format of the Architect Insight Conference in 2009 has changed to reflect the challenging business environment that many companies are experiencing, but is still focused on arming IT Architects with the knowledge and tools needed to succeed.
As well as compelling speaker presentations from companies such as Easy Jet, Astra Zeneca and Equinti there will be numerous opportunities during the conference for you to get up close and personal with Microsoft and its partners in the form of round table sessions.
Each round table will be based on a specific topic and led by a subject expert, it is your opportunity to ask questions, comment and feedback in an informal small group setting. Details of the timings and headlining topics for the round table sessions will be detailed closer to the conference.
As in previous years the AIC will focus on current and emerging trends in the field of IT Architecture including:-
Enterprise Architecture: focusing on cost reduction, improved agility and responsiveness to the business.
Solution Architecture: focusing on the changing architecture of the client, from thick to thin to rich to smart.
Infrastructure Architecture: focusing on the infrastructure tools and technologies of the server and data centre.
Places for the AIC are limited and can be reserved for £99 + VAT - please click here to register and reserve your place at the Conference.
Technorati Tags: Enterprise Architecture