In this session at the Open Group Conference, Dr. Brian Cameron walked us through Penn State Enterprise Architecture Initiative at the College of ISTEA IST. I have blogged about this program before (Enterprise Architecture Goes To College, EA Becoming Academically Recognized and Offered) where I provide a listing of the other college institutions that offer EA in some form or another.
I learned a few additional interesting facts about the program. Specifically some of the key areas that Dr. Cameron is planning on expanding:
Launch of online Professional Masters in EA
Launch of undergraduate focus in EA
Growth of the research portfolio
Expansion of the Center for Enterprise Architecture
Below is the recap of the session.

The holistic nature of research endeavors aimed at understanding and improving the craft and practice of EA would mean that a number of disciplines will be implicated in defining the problem domain as well as contribute perspectives, approaches and techniques that will be valuable for addressing EA research concerns. Research on EA can benefit from these perspectives contributed by a number of allied disciplines.
Enterprise Architecture Advisory Board, over seventy organizations from seven countries
First Advisory Board Meeting conducted September 2009
Creation of an undergraduate EA degree focus
Creation of an online Professional Masters Program
Creation of a professional development portfolio
Creation of an EA Research Center
Dr. Cameron also established the Federation of Enterprise Architecture Professional Organizations (FEAPO) that is an association of professional organizations whose members have an active interest in the practice and professionalism of Enterprise Architecture.
FEAPO provides a forum to facilitate collaboration and coordination of activities of among Enterprise Architecture (EA) related professional organizations, to work toward a better integrated community and “one face”for the advancement of the profession of Enterprise Architecture. The advent of FEAPO has been welcomed the world over because there is a strong desire among practitioners and organizations in many countries to professionalize and advance the field of enterprise architecture.
This group consists of the following members:
Data Management International
International Association of Software Architects
International Council on Systems Engineering
International Standards Organization (ISO)
The Association for Enterprise Information
The Association for Enterprise Architects
The Association of Business Process Management Professionals International
The British Computer Society
The Business Architecture Guild
The Business Architects Association
The Center for the Advancement of the EA Profession
The EA Shared Interest Group from the Industry Advisory Council
The Integration Consortium
The Object Management Group
The Open Group
The National Association of State CIOs
Four Main Areas of the Program
Undergraduate Education committee
Defining the competencies that an undergraduate student graduating with a focus in Enterprise Architecture should possess.
Masters Education committee
Defining what competencies should be built into the new online Enterprise Architecture Professional Masters Program.
Professional Development committee
Defining what type of continuing education offering should be developed in the area of enterprise architecture. Offerings could include certificate programs, executive education, and customized programs for specific organizations.
Research committee
Defining what research streams should be developed and enhanced in relation to Enterprise Architecture.
Helped develop a straw man participation model for the new EA Center.
Key Research Areas
EA career path development
EA framework development and usage
EA maturity assessments
EA Stakeholder analysis & engagement
Understanding EA styles
Value measurement frameworks for EA
Application of EA to areas outside of IT (e.g.: supply chain)
Organizations Involved
Alfabet, Germany
Applied Research Lab/ Penn State
Air Force Research Laboratory
Armstrong Process Group
Assoc. of Enterprise Architects (AEA)
Association for Enterprise Information
BAE Systems Inc
Bllue Cross Blue Shield Association
Booz Allen Hamilton
Business Architecture Guild
Center for the Advancement of the Enterprise Architecture
Profession (CAEAP)
Computer Aid Inc. (CAI)
Computer Sciences Corporation
Cutter Consortium
Department of Homeland Security
Data Management International (DAMA International)
Defense Intelligence Agency
Deloitte Consulting
EMC Corporation
Ernst & Young
Forrester Research
Innoveer Solutions
Integration Consortium
Iteraplan, Germany
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Johnson & Johnson
Kaiser Permanente
Kingdee Research Institute, China
Lockheed Martin
Mathet Consulting, Inc.
Meraka Institute, South Africa
Northrop Grumman
Object Management Group (OMG)
PA. State System of Higher Education (PASSHE)
Pinnacle Business Group
PNC Financial Services Group
Progressive Insurance
Smartsphere PPM and EAM Solutions
State Farm Insurance Company
TATA Consultancy Services , India
The Confiance Group
The Enterprise Architecture Shared
Interest Group from the
Industry Advisory Council
The National Defense University
The MITRE Corporation
The Open Group
Trout Technologies
Unisys Corporation
U.S. Department of Defense
U.S. Department of Interior
U.S. General Services Administration
U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
U.S. Air Force, Chief, Enterprise Architecture Division,
Office of Warfighting Integration and CIO
Verizon Telecom -Information Systems
Virginia Information Technologies Agency
Wipro Technologies