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  • Mike Walker

Leadership Qualities of an Enterprise Solution Architect

Gabriel Morgan really hit the ball out of the park with his post on Enterprise Solution Architects and Leadership. He did a great job of decomposing and translating concepts from Emotional Intelligence (EI) into something that all architects will be able to understand. It’s well worth the read. Below is only one example of the rationalization of Enterprise Solution Architects ability mappings, but should wet your appetite.

Leadership Object Model

I haven’t given EI enough credit on my blog. Whatever type of architect you are soft skills are critical. EI provides a great way to think about these skills. Check out the materials on Daniel Goleman’s blog and his Working with Emotional Intelligence book. I first read it 4 years ago and it really helped me articulate what I was doing right and wrong.

If you are an architect and not a reader of Gabriel’s blog you need to update your RSS feeds.

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